good stuff little_freerider. the thing with park/pipe vs racing is that newschool is far more unique. in racing, the best racers are the best because they are willing to work harder than the other guy at all the little things. and when you get to that sort of level of racing its the little things that make the difference, not tecnique or skill because everyone is skiing basically the same and are all really skilled. with newschool, yes the best work the hardest, but there is soo much more variety. instead of in a world cup race where the guy who has the best wax job wins, in newschool it is the guys who throws it down the most, but its not like everyone is gonna go do the same run and tricks and the guy who sticks them cleanest wins. its a great sport because someone can throw a trick no one has even imagined to win the event. that is because this sport is always evolving and getting better, and progressing, and from where i sit, other than ski technology, there is no progression in racing.
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