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if there are to be toll booths made, they will be firebombed. there is no chance in hell that i will pay $32 to drive a perfectly fine pre-existing highway.
let's get this straight once and for all. roads are safe, DRIVERS are dangerous. the road is fine, it is the numb nutted prairie bred idiot stick who has never seen a mountain highway who is a threat. don't fucking drive it you dipstick! there are many existing shuttle services which are comfortable, affordable and cheaper then renting a car. the village shuttle is free in whistler. don't waste another parking space because you couldn't be bothered to walk 4 minutes to the lift you fat assed bastard.
i like the idea of the olympics because it will mean many benefits for the province as a whole (new convention center, improved transportation infrastructure, new sporting facilities, increased tourism revenue, etc), but it also means fucking up alot of things.
the callahan lake area will no longer be the domain of snowmobilers as they will be building the nordic (and undoubtedly other ski facilities) jump there. not to mention how butt FUCKED the locals will become. housing prices will rise, locals will be forced to live further and further away from prime real estate, increased prices for everything from food to socks, the destruction of the 'small village' feel of whistler.
i'd wager money that many locals would have their leases conveniently expire right before the olmypics so that the landowners could reap the exponentially greater tourist dollars that come during that time.
is anyone aware of what intrawest executives dream of? it isn't a friendly ski town, let me tell you that. i know that they are mostly rumours, but they come from fairly reliable sources.
the free parking lots in the village will be replaced by hotels and mountain parking will become a primarily undergroud, pay parking thing. they want the tram from mountain to mountain. a big eyesore in my opinion as it will detract from the view of fissile and cowboy ridge. kybers will get fucked up the ass since they want to develop housing there and put a chair lift right up the heart of it from function. think about how they're going to try to clean up whistler's 'family image' as well. no more rowdiness... and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
i like rowdiness. i like uncrowded ski hills. i like a community as opposed to a city.
come on now. the olympics are a boon and a source of pride for a nation as a whole, but as a skier, do you really give a fuck? as cool as it would be to see the canadian hockey team kick the shit out of the yankee team again, i wouldn't trade a bucket of piss for the olympics if it threatened the whistler i love and cherish.
i do know the other side of the coin, but who cares? keep whistler good for as long as you can. prolong what you have before the inevitable arrives. so what if they'll develop whistler to that extent, just 5 years further down the road? that's five more years of intangible greatness.
if you ask me, the town is too big already. the olympics are propagated by already wealthy landowners who are looking to make a quick buck and who don't really care about preserving the light hearted mentality of whistler.
sorry, this was a really long rant but it's something that really pissed me off.
fuck the olympics.