Hey kids, don't buy one. If it is prior to 96 you will be fucked. FUCKED. I bought a 95 in January and the head gasket just blew. Apparently, after doing some searching on google this is a huge problem and a recall was made by Toyota. I gave my VIN # to the dealership and of course mine is in the short window of time where it's not covered by the recall. I am shit out luck and this is going to cost me probably $2,000 to fix. (which I don't have) Fuck. It's obvious that before 96 the head/ gasket were not built right. Don't believe me ? Look here http://www.carsurvey.org/viewcomments_review_45660.html
I wish I would have known this before buying the car so just thought I'd let you guys know. If your truck is a '95 or prior production and hasn't had the recall just give it time. The gasket will blow and you will be bent over the service counter at your Toyota Dealer just like me and everyone on that website^.