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Whats so great about the pope?
Posts: 518
Karma: 10
So whats so great about the pope??......he was just some old man who sat there waving his arm.....
others peoples opinions are:
S.W.E.D 420
Posts: 13809
Karma: 92
thats not what the Christian faith was at the start, and is today, its a direct relation between you and God, not through the Church hierarchy.
all those things were added on to control the illiterate masses, in fact the catholic church did not allow most people to have bibles until recently so as to control the interpretation of the Bible.
- Patty
*NS Skateboarders* Vas y il l'a cassé!
Posts: 247
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Hmm...thats weird, the catholic church is soo fucked up it can only have more tha a billion fallowers?
--You know your ugly when you make a man poop out his own penis...
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Thats not necessary though. An individual, no matter what he's done can confess his sins and pray directly to God. Theres no need for Hail Marry's and Our Fathers, one only has to accept the Lord as his saviour and his sins are forgiven, past, present and future. Catholicism complicates things by adding rules made by man, which really isn't necessary.
big whoop wanna fight about it?
Posts: 13809
Karma: 92
they account in that number the evangelical christians i believe, and keep in mind that for example 82 % of France calls itself catholic when less than 5 % of that are active church goers... put that number into perspective.
most swedes say they have faith, a christian one, but my friends here don't live a christian life. that number is a bit exagerated for the amount of true believers...
- Patty
*NS Skateboarders* Vas y il l'a cassé!
Posts: 358
Karma: 11
About the bread and wine im not a hundred percent sure, but i think they say represent somewhere in there.
And when ur praying to saints, ur praying for something that is believed that they help in. Most other prayers, like Apostles creed, only say what you believe in, not that your idolizing them.
Posts: 4479
Karma: 11
wow a lot of you are damn fools. whoever made this thread is a damn 13 year old looking for attention. don't be so ignorant. and lateralis if you don't care about the pope or know nothing about him, don't made fuckin stupid posts in a thread you shouldn't. to say the pope wasn't that great or that he didn't do anything that great is a damn lie. DO SOME RESEARCH BEFORE MAKING STUPID THREADS LIKE THIS! he didn't just sit around in his glass car you dumb fuck, that was towards the end of his life. ignorant fuckbags
its only for redbull sponsercersord riders...tanners got one but hes not sponsosnored by them so its either your sponsizored by redbull or your in the game you dig?-Flying Spoon
Posts: 13809
Karma: 92
how can they help though? are they divine? no. can they help when they are dead? no. who can? God. this is nowhere in the Bible. God alone can help you, only the divine can help you in what you pray to the saints for. they cannot do anything, as they are human beings.
as for the bread and wine thing, most believers don't believe this, but it is an official catholic doctrine.
- Patty
*NS Skateboarders* Vas y il l'a cassé!
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good question, i dunno either
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Land Shark eeee eee eeeee
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We pray with saints, not to them.
You may have chosen someone you could trust, or someone who understood your problem, or someone who was close to God. Those are all reasons we ask saints to pray for us in times of trouble.
Since saints led holy lives and are close to God in heaven, we feel that their prayers are particularly effective. Often we ask particular saints to pray for us if we feel they have a particular interest in our problem. For example, many people ask Saint Monica to pray for them if they have trouble with unanswered prayers, because Monica prayed for twenty years for her son to be converted. Finally her prayers were answered in a way she never dreamed of -- her son, Augustine, became a canonized saint and a Doctor of the Church.
anyone else see the contradiction in there. once again, how can they help by their prayers, they are in heaven, or not, but they cannot hear your prayers, only God can.
man, why am i wasting my time on this? whatever dudes, believe what you want to believe about the catholic church.
- Patty
*NS Skateboarders* Vas y il l'a cassé!
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yeah it's true. if i feel the need to pray, i don't need anyone else to do it for me. i will pray directly to God. in catholicism, it isn't so; you aren't supposed to pray directly to got, you need a messenger (priest).
this started out with good intentions, where the priest in the old times was the only educated and literate individual in the city, so some people felt the need to ask him to pray for them. but it got out of hand, and now everyone is literate and educated, but there is still confession and prayer through a priest, and not directly from your heart to God.
~Phunkin Phatt Phreerider~
Capital City Rider, DFP
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'Everybody calls me a zero. But I'm an internet hero.'
Posts: 518
Karma: 10
^^ Dude, im with u on that statement.....I dont need o messenger if i was going to prey to "god" ...I would do it myself!.....besides i dont belive it anyway so i dont prey!
S.W.E.D 420
Posts: 13809
Karma: 92
perfect, once again...
- Patty
*NS Skateboarders* Vas y il l'a cassé!
Posts: 358
Karma: 11
This thread was about the pope, and somehow turned into about how ppl should pray. I believe in one thing and other ppl believe in other things and thats how its gonna stay.
But i think that ,most ppl on here though agree that the pope was a great man, and the more i hear about the great things he has done in his lifetime, the more i get pissed of that some retard made a stupid thread about "what so great about the pope?"
Posts: 13809
Karma: 92
true that, yet the thread evolved because the ignoramus got his answer and we then moved towards other, related matters...
- Patty
*NS Skateboarders* Vas y il l'a cassé!
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