atlantaski, you're a bit of a hypocrite, isnt part of being christian being tolerant of others, and turning your cheek and stuff... seems like your doing a really good job of that. I think some people take the whole christianity thing a little too far, as great as it is that you have something to believe in, that doesnt mean that it is the best and absolute truth in the world, and that anyone who doesnt agree with what you believe in is automatically going to hell. are you saving yourself for marriage atlantaski? can you really blame the africans for wanting to get thier shit off?? when jesus was around, maybe the idealisms of catholicism stood true, but after all the events in history that have used that religion as a front have corrupted it and ultimately proven that it is a religion if intolerance and biggotry. During the crusades, the islamics living in spain were a good 400 years ahead of thier catholic european counterparts: plumbing, geometry and algebra, a revival of the greek logos, medicine, 7 course meals, democracy and equality, then boom, the crusades happened in the name of god and the christian faith immediately prolonging the dark ages and setting civilization back 400 years. theres just too many honkeys out there using it as a front for racism and intolerance, i personally feel bad for the pope, but it's an outdated religion and one that i feel no one can rightly crusade for in our modern society
"listen trebec, ive lost five years of my life trying to invent an anal bum cover, failing to do so remains as my greatest regret."
--sean connery