(for those who dont wanna read it all))
what would you do if that happened?
alright, so i just got the new 50 cent cd, and i had it in my pocket, and i go to my friends house. and i jump across the ditch so i dont goota walk downt their driveway, and when i land it goes into me, so i know i have it then...so i take my coat off and put it ont he coach, like any other time. and its ontop of john and andys coats. so when i go to leave, my coat is still there, tossed around a little, but their coats are in johns room. so someone put their coats into their room, but left mine there on the couch. and the onyl reason i think it was their dad is because he always searches through your school bag or whatever if you leave it there and hes there. like hes the nosiest prick i know. and he thinks he know everything and is all cocky and shit....right now im just really pissed at him. so what would you guys do in a situation like this??
A tall, well built women with good
reputation, who can cook frog
legs, who appreciates a good fuc-
shia garden, classical music and tal-
king without getting too serious.
But please only read lines 1, 3, and 5