Replying to My parents always over-react when our van falls in a pond.
So there's is this place that me and my friends visit frequently to smoke a few bowls every now and then. its a very chill place. there is a pressure release pipe that lets steam come out and it froze all over these trees and made an ice volcano. quite a cool sight. anyway, i've been going to this place all winter, and i loved it. so the other day its fairly warm and me and my buddy decide to take and drive and smoke a couple bowls down at this place (its called the 4H). so we go down there and i drive to where i usually park, but i noticed it was a hell of a lot bumpier this time. so i park out in the middle, we get out, smoke a couple bowls then hop back in the car and start going in reverse...
Well apparently, this place is flooded with about 5 feet of water, which i thought was just snow on top of dirt. there are these huge mounds of dirt everywhere, so i thought it was a place where they dump shit.
so as i'm going in reverse, i turn the wheel and BAM, the ice breaks under the right front tire. my friend slams his head on the window and i just keep the minivan (yes, i drive a minivan) moving. then the left front tire goes in the break in the ice and thats where i remain.
so now i'm stuck out in the middle of this random place about 10 miles from home with a car with the front axle under water. as soon as me and my friend start walking out, this guy in a truck comes down and we ask him for help. he starts to go in, then, surprise surprise, his rear right tire goes under. (this guy was ultra sketchy too).
so i give my friend all my smoking shit and he calls his friend to come pick him up. so now i'm alone with this sketchy guy and a van half under water.
now here's the fun part, i get to call my dad (mind you i'm blazed) and have him come down and help me out. so i give my parents a call and they flip. my dad comes down, about ready to kill me and i tell him me and my friend just came down to look at the ice volcano (he bought it because i do shit like this all the time).
so we call a tow truck and wait. meanwhile, the sketchy guy had used my cell to call his dad to come get him. his dad shows up and pulls him out because he's close to shore, where as i'm in the middle.
so the tow truck shows up and the guy decides he can take the truck out on the ice. so he goes out and breaks through the ice about 30 times, but since the truck was a beast, he could just plow through it.
so finally he winches the van and pulls it out and about 2 seconds later, you guessed it, i fall through again. this time, i'm even deeper. so he winches it again and i get off the ice as fast as possible.
so now my parents aren't letting me drive their cars anymore and i'm to poor to afford my own. not to mention the $140 i owe my dad for the tow truck.
my parents always over-react when our van falls in a pond.
now i know i'll be getting this; "U retart, u dident even no u were on a pond!!!?!1". here's your answer, this place was frozen all winter, so i'd gone out on it many other times. also, it has huge mounds of dirt in the middle and doesn't look anything like a pond at all.
Good Fun With A Hand Gun.
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