Replying to Can i stay at your house please?
sooo...i live in ottawa. and 2 friends of mine and i are driving down to minneapolis for an atmosphere show on mayyyy 1st. but since its like a 20+ hr ride and such, we are probably going to drive down the 30th and stay overnight.
we are very well behaved and well-groomed. i know 3 people is kind of a lot, but any floor space that you have to offer up would be wonderful.
of course we would be willing to pay or buy you beer or whatever. just that hotels/motels are lots of moneys. maybe we can bring you some canadian delicacies? bacon anyone? haha
anyways, anything would be appreciated. or even if you can recommend a REALLy cheap hotel.
thaaaaaank you.
far too fly to stay stationary...
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