Loveland ski area (Colorado) opens tomorrow (thursday), Im pretty sure its the first area open in North America again this year. The pictures of it look so shitty, like most years on opening day its just one run of 2 feet of manmade surrounded by lots of dirt and grass. It seriously hasn't snowed here in like 3 weeks and its been so warm so that all the natural has melted. Ive been up there beofre on opening day and it was sweet to be skiing in like mid october but its only fun for a while, however i heard they were having some rails and small kickers set up for this years opening. Sucks for the people who havent seen snow yet this year cuse we already got a resort open.
'There are only two powers in the world...the sword of the oppressor and the spirit of the oppressed. In the long run, the sword is always defeated by the spirit.'