central california is getting hit with a pretty good swell this week! saturday and sunday head to the SW beaches and monday, NW is going off. the wind might blow it out though.
santa cruz... right now the lane is nice (small-med waves) and glassy, with some mushballs flowing through, but keep your eyes out for waves up the coast (is north up or down?)... check 4mile and Scotts and Waddell.
Also, Hawaii is about to get some mackin' waves too. that should be fun to watch, i might actually head there this weekend anyways.
check the winds though! they could ruin all of this madness!
sorry if you dont care... this is just good news for me. especially because im not allowed to go skiing til my bio grade is up... fuck fuck fuck
'When I was 3 or 4 or 5, I got kicked out of school in Denmark when they relized I didn't speak Danish. Then the sadists I lived with put me to work on a pig farm. Later, I was to get bit by a monkey in Bali and lost in Thailand.'