Its Friday again and time to get battered like a cheap cod.
Its nearly time to commune with the innermost feelings of my best friend, the curvaceous billi bottle. To gently place the magic beer goggles over my tired eyes and enter a magical world, where all the girls are beautiful and you can really do anything.......To gently peel back my bottle's seductive brown paper bag garments and drink deeply before I recline in a delicate nest of urine drenched rags and soiled cardboard only to be woken by the delicate tap of a policeman's truncheon gently massaging life and rythm into my temples.....
Christ, does anyone else get this shit-faced regularly? Or is it just me, the Loan NEw-SChOOl FReeDrinker. DOes anyone know of anything particularly lethal to try? and what is that knobbly thing pointing out beneath my right hand rib-cage?