lol, you can't gain shooting skills from video games... theres no way its possible. You don't gain technical knowledge, skills in escape and evasion, accuracy, and steadiness of the hand from playing all night sessions of Counter-strike or Soldier of Fortune, if anything, you gain shaky hands from the massive caffiene intake. A mouse and keyboard setup is quite different from a real life rifle.
The media, once again, is looking for a scapegoat to blame this on. They ALWAYS look over the fact that its probably the way he was brought up, mabye he was medically depresses... or hell... on the off chance... mabye he is a religious fanatic, doesnt have to be Muslim, could be one of the VERY many nutzo Christian groups. There are so many more reasons that they are afraid to approach because they are afraid of 'offending' someone. So they go after the easy target, video games... I'm sorry, but if I'm the only one that thinks that blaming games is rediculous, then shoot me.
As for the terrorist deal, they don't know his motives, they don't know who he is. He very well could just be a nut out for the thrill of the kill. As the definition of terrorist is 'one who seeks to cause terror', they can't define him as one, as yet, until they have his motive.
Attack of the Killer Stop Signs!
This Winter, You're coming to a dead halt'