Replying to up or down?
ok - i'm going to bring up the arguement that has been around since the invention of the toilet. should the seat remain up or down?
I think that if the guy wants to keep the seat up than he can. why should chicks have the last say in the matter? they want it down, we want it up - have we not been fighting for equal rights? so why is the chicks say more powerful than the guys? if the chick wants the seat down she can put it down, we gotta put the seat up when we piss afterall. and if the seat is up and you fall in - well than you desirve it - doesn't take that long to just look down before you sit - you wouldn't sit down on a park bench without looking to see if you're gonna sit in gum or anything would you? exactly.
so lets hear it - toilet seat - up or down?
Darryl Hunt
'We don't believe in McDonalds, we are against everything McDonalds does... ..We go to Burger King.' Fat Mike
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