big mountain skiers are just as anal as park rats. it takes skills to do shit in both places. but you really can see that your a step above average when you can incorperate park tricks in the mountains. not just a booter, but i mean an actual line. Like Mike D in Happy Dayz. If you can do that shit, then you know you are pro. As far as i'm concerned there are super good park skiers and there are super good big mountain skiers, but you gotta be good a t both to be pro.
Jeremey Nobis's attitude towards jibbing in freeze was really retarded. What gives him the right to rag on park skiers, he couldn't slide a rail with style, or through a cork 7 if his life depended on it. But Jibbers are sayn the same shit about Big Mountain skiers all the time.
Its guys like Seth, McConkey, McMurray, Douglas, Szocs, Tanner, CR, the LINE team, and I am sure there are more who are progressing the sport to new heights. You don't see to much stuff on Tanner skiing Big Mountain, but he can do it good, just watch 13, he's amazing. Just like Skogen showed up the Big Mountain community when he was able to incorperate tricks into his big mountain lines after two runs in AK. both Big Mountain, and Park are two different aspects of skiing, and you can be good at either or, but as you can see in recent movies that the whoel skiing community is being shifted out of the park and into the bigmountain, yet took the park into the big mountain, if that made anysense. its all about the taking park tricks into the Mountains.