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what should i do with my life??
Posts: 581
Karma: 10
i have absolutly NO idea what to do with my life. i'm dropping out of university, because... well because i'm too dumb. and as of january i basically have to start living on my own.. i really hate growing up.
'sweet i can be seen sober with you' -- my friend dom to a previously not hot, now hot girl he was meeting.
Posts: 1388
Karma: 10
im seeing this more and more in my life
Posts: 1501
Karma: 18
stay in university man, just concentrate, find a job, but you probably allready have one
just stay in school is the best thing i think any one can tell ya
-Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
Posts: 3262
Karma: 8
smoke it away...no j/k
stay in school, definately
'People wanna come up and they won't tell me, smokin crack cocaine better than sensi, they're pumpin that shit till we're sick of it, tweakin every weekend and we just can't take it'
-Bradley Nowell
Posts: 13943
Karma: 83
yah dude, just work hard, it's only for a couple years and they will fly by anyway. You only have to work hard out for a while and it will be so much more worth it too. You'll be able to actually get a qualified job and get paid actual money instead of ass doing something else. Think carefully about it bro.
~~Phunkin Phatt Phreerider~~
*I love Matty Enns*
#Cut the Jibba Jabba fool! Start skiing!#
Posts: 4792
Karma: 38
ski and ski some more, what ever you do, dont work in an office
Proud Leader Of OA-a group for those addicted to oakley products.
Posts: 1754
Karma: 11
u should probably drop out.. and become a junkie.
Posts: 5751
Karma: 19
get a job at a ski resort or something
probably the best thing you can do with out a university education
Hey yo, im bringin' it down with the sick boyz crew
Ill urban jibs is what we do
People barf, when we throw down
Cause the SBC is the illest in the town.
Posts: 5198
Karma: 22
If it's really that bad, take a year off then go to a community college. Don't take more than a year off though. If you're good with your hands, you should consider taking a trades program in college. I don't think they are very long, and most trades workers make pretty good coin.
- - - - -
Vote rebel!
'Can you move your fazooli? I don't have reverse.' - M. Harvey
Posts: 2529
Karma: 48
That's why i put university off. I'll go when i actually WANT to get a real job. Until then, i'm happy working for 8 bucks an hour in a ski town.
'You're old enough to know that you won't get a lot of things in life because you don't have tits' - One of the 1/4 pipe builders at snowjam winnipeg to a couple young boys in response to why we'd let 3 girls on the ramp and not them
Don't think just jump.
Posts: 5214
Karma: 47
fuck school, move to mammoth...like me
Dan Maguire
Go Red Sox
How many snowboarders does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
10, 1 to do it, and 9 to say 'I can do that.'
'Dude, we're sick. He's pretty sick, but his muscles aren't as big as mine, so you know.'-CR Johnson
Posts: 2545
Karma: 59
Dude, you honestly don't have any worries about anything the rest of your life. Just stick it out if you really want to and only do what you want to do. Eventually your dad will retire and me and you will open up a club and we'll be straight up ballin.
'I don't know why I come to this fucking place, the kids are such assholes' - Anthony B
Posts: 3971
Karma: 27
Seriously dude - get a basic job at a resort like a lift operator, work hard and other opotunities will open up like promotions, ski instructing etc... I mean look at those 40 year old instructors who have been instructing for 20+years, they get to travel and ski the whole world all year long. Get in, make a good impression and you've got yourself in a good position to start climbing the ladder of life
you also get to ski every day!!
Getting caught with your penis up an Elephant's ass is about as much fun as AIDS
Posts: 581
Karma: 10
i figured it out. i'm gonna finish this year of uni, then spend the summer back home at whistler, then movie somewhere, and get a job at a photo lab (shouldn't be hard since i've been working in one for a couple years already) and take some photography courses at a comunity collage wherever i move to, and become a pro photographer. yessss...
'sweet i can be seen sober with you' -- my friend dom to a previously not hot, now hot girl he was meeting.
Posts: 9956
Karma: 18
photographers don't make that much, and they are a dime a dozen. your just gona be one more bozo taking pictures like everyone else because you cant ski good enough. You should move to miami and work in an old folks home changing their shit buckets.
The day isn't complete with out a good texan checkin' session
Wasted State Represent!!
I like my boots like my women, rear entry.
Posts: 3262
Karma: 8
i dunno, you could make some $$ being a photographer...
'People wanna come up and they won't tell me, smokin crack cocaine better than sensi, they're pumpin that shit till we're sick of it, tweakin every weekend and we just can't take it'
-Bradley Nowell
Posts: 164
Karma: 10
Like jibs said - if you don't know what you're doing, put it off ski a bunch and think about it. then when you make up your mind do that. or you'll find a job you like in the mean time and not have to go to uni....is what I did, and now I ski the winter every year. don't make much cash but have much more fun than all those suits in the office who just some how drift in to work, drift into marriage, kids, house, retirement, and then a coffin and don't do shit....
--Peace Out--
Posts: 6520
Karma: 20
phrosty your an asshole. photographers dont make that much, but if your good you get the benefits of traveling around a lot.
'i fucking bent over and spread my ass cheeks in the mirror and watched my asshole quiver as i ripped a fatty...now that was fucking insightful, not to mention inspiring.'- alpentalik
Posts: 2529
Karma: 48
I wouldn't say that spending your life working at a ski resort is sweet. It's crappy customer service work and the pay is shit. I have never seen an instructor, no matter how old, driving around in even a nice car. I'm sure you'd do alright on your own, but if you plan on having a family, you're gonna be struggling living from paycheck to paycheck trying to keep your family warm and fed during the winter, not to mention having to find more work in the summer (oil fields is popular). I worked closely with pro patrollers at sunshine (some of the best paid patrollers in canada) and they aren't exactly rolling in cash. But sure, maybe by the time you're 45 you'll get that managers position you've been after for 25 years, then you'll be doin alright.
'You're old enough to know that you won't get a lot of things in life because you don't have tits' - One of the 1/4 pipe builders at snowjam winnipeg to a couple young boys in response to why we'd let 3 girls on the ramp and not them
Don't think just jump.
Posts: 2665
Karma: 61
man that was the fucken funniest shit i have ever read... LoL....for real man that was so fucken classic...
i'm going quote that some day...
'I'm still Ugly'
Posts: 9956
Karma: 18
now that, sounds like a plan
The day isn't complete with out a good texan checkin' session
Wasted State Represent!!
I like my boots like my women, rear entry.
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