Just wanted to give you all a heads up that Strike Three is done, and on its way to NY for duplication and printing. It definitely took a while longer than I had planned, and I definitely apologize to everyone that’s waiting on their copies, BUT I can guarantee you all that it is so worth the wait… I’m pretty confident that the film will completely exceed all of your expectations.
The VHS’s should be shipping in a little over 1 week, and the DVDs will follow another week or two after that.
The total running time is 46 minutes, plus a 5-minute credit section.
I’m sure you will find Strike Three to be completely different from anything else coming out this year, and completely different from any ski film that’s ever been made before, for that matter. The soundtrack is a mix of all 32 flavors of hip hop (Absolutely the BEST underground stuff I’ve ever heard), and a couple tight punk tracks to mix things up. All of the soundtrack info will be up on the Level 1 site in the next few days, so keep an eye out for it. Fire away any and all questions and I’ll do my best to answer ‘em.
Without giving too much away, a partial list of the segments and their highlights is as follows:
Intro Segment:
5 minutes of far and away the best stuff that went on all year. I don’t think I can even do it justice with trying to describe it, so I’ll leave it alone.
Steele’s Segment:
A ton of quality urban stuff, including a switch up on a quad kink and the nastiest concrete grind ever done. Amazing switch 9s and 10s too.
Crichton’s Segment:
Flat out the biggest, best, and smoothest halfpipe hits ever. Crichton pulls every trick in the book out of his bag at some point in this segment.
Reedy/McMurray Segment:
There’s a reason Reedy got a cover shot on the October Freeze. Check out this kid’s steeze… Then watch McMurray backflip onto and off of everything, rails, bushes, houses…
Olenick/Dumont Segment:
Pete Olenick worked his ass of for this segment! While I don’t think it does justice to his jumping ability, watch him throw down undoubtedly the most tech rail stuff ever done. The flying midget, aka, Simon Dumont follow Pete with, well, Simon throws down and looks tough doing it…
Candide’s Segment:
By far the biggest airs done all year. Ridiculous tech rails too…
Crash Segment:
I’m pretty sure that this is just about the burliest crash segment ever put together. Watching it makes me hurt.
Belanger/Larose Segment:
Ridiculously smooth everything. Unnatural spins, a 100 foot rail, and the pipe hits you would come to expect from these two.
Hibbert’s Segment:
A stupid collection of urban jibs. 50 foot double kink to switch, 270 out of a 65 stair wooden rail, and greasing the hell out of an 80 foot quad kink, which I’m guessing is still probably the longest tech urban rail ever done.
Emil’s Segment:
Emil Coty came out of nowhere this year to put together what I can imagine is the only legit all rail/jib segment ever in a ski film. If you haven’t heard of Emil yet, you will soon. In my opinion the most naturally skilled jibber in the world right now.
Bushfield Segment:
Rory Bushfield is probably one of the more well rounded skiers I’ve ever shot. He drops some super high speed back country lines, jacks 20 feet out of the pipe, flairs off rails, and was the only person to consistently throw down on the Super Step Down at SP4 this year.
Credit Segment:
Probably my favorite segment in the whole movie. Tons of outtakes, Jamie Pierre hucking himself of several 100+ footers, Garrett Brittain and Max Kuszaj beating eachother with pots and pans…