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Shin Splints again..
The best way i've found to counter them is not to tape (this only temporarily solves the problem) but to correct. If you get them on the front of your shins you might just have boot bang. The difference between shin splints and boot bang can be hard to detect, but generally, if you run frequently and feel your shins hurt, its shin splints.
For the Shin Splints on the inside of your shins (vs the fronts), ice them when they hurt and most importantly WEAR ARCH AND HEEL RAISERS. I used Dr Scholls, but anything works well i guess. shin splints on the inside of your legs are caused by the muscle being pulled away from your bone, and in most cases, is caused by fallen arches. correct it with the raisers and its gone.
For the ones on the fronts, it gets more complicated. because there isnt much muscle there, the bruises last a lot longer. For shin splints there, USE ARCH RAISERS again. taping works well i hear, but i havent tried it. it's been said that it helps to heal the bruises by keeping everything from moving and damaging more, but if you really want to get rid of it, use the arch raisers. Ice and heat work well too.
In any case, warm up before you ski to help stop them: Stretch your calves for at least 20 seconds to get a good stretch. I found out when running this year that just crouching in a squat for about 30-40 seconds works well. heel exercises are good too (thats where you just point and flex your foot).
One other thing: My friend this year though he had shin splints too, but after they started to get very bad he finally went to a doctor. Diagnosis: Stress Fractures, 4 of them , 2 in each leg. Stress Fractures are baaaaad. hes out for at least a month, maybe two. point being, if you try all of this and they dont get better withing a month, see a doctor. My friend is lucky that he caught it early, and thus it doesnt screw with his ski season.
Oh, and for boot bang, there are lots of products out there that say they will make it go away, but the best thing to get is good boots. make velcro straps that loop around the top liner of your boots so it stays with your shin if you just love the boots you have or if you arent sponsored by salomon.
Check out the literature section of the site for more help if this isnt in depth enough.