stupid girls (and guys for that matter) who put stupid fucking poetry in their ICQ info. Also, any girl who refers to herself as princess, or has princess as an ICQ name.
I hate snobby bitches, and bitches who talk behind your back. I hate little fucking kids who think they are hot shit and i hate little snowboarding kids who think they are so hot shit and always dis on skiers. Hence why those little kids always seem to end up with pole marks on their boards...and that's also why they usually leave the lift line crying because i tore the shit out of them.
I hate stupid fucking hill operators who think they know fucking everything yet are apparently too blind to realize that their 'hill' is a giant fucking pile of rat shit and needs new management and a new direction BADLY!
I hate getting carded buying lottery tickets, yet for some reason not for booze anymore. I hate the feeling the day after you drink way too much beer, and i hate going to sleep mad. I also hate onions, tomatoes, green peppers and asparagus.
oh, i also hate cleaning my room, showering, taking out the garbage and doing laundry. I hate changing my boxers cuz i love the broken in feeling, and new clothes suck because they are never as comfortable as your old clothes, yet by the time they become comfortable they are already old clothes and you have to buy new ones.
I also hate The Gap (Gay and Proud hahaha) and A&F and American Eagle and any other clothing manufacturer that has gay ass fucking commercials.
I hate being wet (hence why i don't like showering) and if it was up to me, there would be a designated sex day where all everyone did was have sex. I hate serious talks after sex, because all that is on my mind is more sex and well talking ain't sex now is it. I don't mind condoms, sometimes just easier, but i do hate it when you realize that you don't have any near your bed and you have to get up out of bed and go get some, even though they are only like four feet away. I do not like scented condoms (they make me want to puke).
I hate regular underwear on girls. It's gotta either be a thong, g-string or nothing at all. I wanna see ass cheek not material.
Six Million Ways to Die, Choose One