Replying to America (My last post)
This is my final post on, so don't expect any follow ups from me. I just want to give my opinion on an issue that plagues these forums day in and day out.
America. I love it. Not to say I like any of the countries of the world less, I just love America. I'm not going to stand up waving a big American flag saying I am the the biggest patriot in the world, because I'm not. America pisses me off sometimes, just like anything else.
In America, we are free to live our lives. Thats all I need. We aren't being raided at 2AM and being taken into the street and shot in the head because we made a passing comment to a 'friend' of a derogatory nature about America. We can bitch about it all we want, about whatever we want, to whoever we want. We can stand outside a police station and picket and the police won't do a damn thing about it unless we get rowdy or something, because it's Ameica. Freedom of speech. You are free to follow whatever career path you choose because you have freedom. You are free to love whoever the hell you want because you have freedom. You can live your life well, or you can waste it because you have freedom. WE ARE FREE TO LIVE OUR LIVES. Thats what matters.
There is one problem with America. People take it for granted. I know it may be trendy for people our age (teen, 20's) to be counter-culture and fall into the paradyme that America is a war mongerin', Muslim shootin', prisoner abusin', third world country bombin', big fat imperialistic dickhole. I don't believe this at all. The United States is incredibly level headed, im my opinion. Our embassies were bombed. What did we do? Very little. Someone ran a boat full of explosives into our battleship. What did we do? Very little. It took planes running into two of our tallet bilding and the Pentagon and one attempting to get to Congress (this was the target of Flight 93. Source: Wall Street Journal 9/10/02), but ultimatly crashing into a field in Pennsylvania and killing everyone on board to piss us off enough to do something. Thousands of innocent people died before the US we decided 'enough is enough.' They attack us, and cry like little girls when we fight back.
I won't get into Sadaam because really that is a matter of personal opinion, and who really believes that a guy on a message board in an online skiing forum is going to change your opinion? I personally will support whatever we do, because I'm an American. No, I'm not brainwashed. Its like supporting your son or daughter. You may not like what they do sometimes, but you're going to try and support them because they've given you happiness over the years and you'd like to see that continue.
I mean, in America, a guy who is in jail for killing 17 babies has rights. Everyone has rights as a citizen of the United States. Thats really cool.(The rights, not the baby killing.)
So tell me, why does America suck? Because we throw our weight around? Fine, let a country just as powerful as us but less restraint or control as us throw their weight around for a while. Let a REAL war monger throw their weight around for a while. I'm sure THAT would end up well.
Bitch, bitch, bitch. All I ever hear is people bitch about America. And thats fine. You can do that in America. Try doing that in China. In fact, even worse, try practicing your own religion China. What would happen? Ask the follows of the Falun Gong religious movement. Oh, wait you can't. They're all dead or in 're-education' camps. To me, America seems pretty sweet.
Look, I'd love to write more, but I've written plenty. Agree with me, or don't. I don't care. These are just my thoughts. I love America. Its so easy to say it sucks at our age, and by all means, if you truly and dearly believe that, say it. Thousands of people died for America to give the right to say it sucks. I don't think that it sucks, and I hope you don't either. I will support America through the thick and the thin. I may not agree with it, but I will support it because I love it. God bless everyone.
Ham: 'So...this is that 'fire' I've heard so much about. I never thought it could be so beautiful...'
Jay: 'Ham, your shirt's on fire.'
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