Lemme ask a simple question. Have you ever fallen? It doesn't always have to mean that you fell in love,, but just fell. With someone who lived a thousand miles away? Maybe you saw a picture of them, had a phone call or an e-mail. You found something that you liked, loved or just needed in them, and you leave out all of the bad parts of yourself and this fantasy girl/guy you met. All you have to do is imagine them whatever way you like best, and about who they are or who you want them to be. These kinds of inanimate fantasies, everyone has at least once in Middle school.. Usually they are at least a little painfull, then one turns 18 and as soon as another fantasy of this sort comes along, you find that you have the way and the means to make something happen. You no longer have to sit and wonder, staring out the window sadly, about what it would be like if you only had the chance to meet, and who you could really be together. So what would you do? Now that you have the option to DO something about it? Would you? Could you..?