Replying to actually read a good book
I could read this book for extra credit, it is called Fingerprints of the Gods and it is wierd as hell. Coolest book I have ever read. It talks about how all these ancient civilizations are so closely related even though they are seperated by thousands of miles and years. And there are maps from the 1500's drawn from source maps that show antartica as it would be without any ice on it and no one actaully knew what it would really look like till the 1950's. And how lots of south and central american coutries are related. There are way to many things to mention but i guess if you want to read something this would be good. Oh and the mayans knew all this mathematical stuff and they say that most of the world will end in dec. 3rd 2012.
Enforcing marijuana prohibition costs taxpayers an estimated $10 billion annually and results in the arrest of more than 734,000 individuals per year -- far more than the total number of arrestees for all violent crimes combined, including murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault.' -
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