I don't know why some of you have this hate for skiboards.. If anything its harder and it takes more talent to pull and land trix. I have been Skiboarding for 3-4 years and i can throw spins from 180-900 w/ diffrent grabs, misty 5s and 7s, rodeo 5s, backs, underflips, corks, flats, rail switch ups, and 270 ons. Now i know for a fact that if any skier trys any of the trix mentioned above they would eat shit. But i have tried some of the trix above on skis and have landed them with ease. Hell if anything skiing is easyier. You have 140-180cm skis to land on and heavier so that you have more momentum when doing spins. I have only 99CM and 3-4' wide base (00 Line MN pros) to land on, any fuk ups and i eat it. Personaly I think Andy Stewart is the one of the best skiboarder/skiers in the world. He can go out and bust a cork 9 on skiboards take them off grab some skiis and bust a cork 10.
But all in all.. for people who think skiboarding is gay my sig says it all.
Skiboards are not gay... only the people who can't ride them are.