
In Memory of Darrell Price RIP Our Friend

by DominatorJacques
Feb 2021 - 6.6K views

Darrell was an inspiration to many. May he rest in peace. He skied at 94 and had a major stroke that evening while taking care of his daughter that is suffering from brain cancer. The story is sad, yet so loving. Maybe he just could not stand to see hid daughter leave before him. Who knows. All we know is he was much loved by many, and skied until his end.

Deep Meditation For Riding Boxes & Rails

by DominatorJacques
Jan 2017 - 2.6K views

This meditation is for terrain park skiers and boarders. The purpose of the meditation is to improve confidence and skills in the art of riding boxes and rails. Headphones will be needed for the best results. One may need to practice this meditation many times until the full steeze factor is achieved

How To / Welded Ski Base Repair Core Shots

by DominatorJacques
Jan 2017 - 2.6K views

Here we go through the welded ski base repair process with a long core shot and a shot at the edge as well. This type of damage can't be fixed with a P-Tex candle. If you did, it more than likely won't last long. Don't worry about small scratches on a ski base. Those don't create any issues.