
Sam Hurst - Reborn

by Jwenz
May 2014 - 7.4K views

This lifestyle we all enjoy requires us to acknowledge and face the risks that come with it. Returning from injury forces a person to become stronger in body and in mind. This short film embodies the perseverance needed to make it back to where we left off and beyond. May 5th marks the 1 year anniversary since Sam suffered a "Lisfranc injury", an incident that left him without the ability to walk for over 3 months. No matter how hard we fall, getting back up is the only option. With this in mind we give you "Reborn".

CL - Cignigs Vol2: 100s

by Jwenz
Mar 2013 - 5.4K views

100s are great for sharing. Saturday at shark city was a fun filled day with a lot of cig smoking and skiing. Enjoy the comedy and take skiing less seriously. Smoke Cigarettes for skiing 2013.

CL - Khai Krepela - RawReCap#1 - S2E7

by Jwenz
Dec 2011 - 15.3K views

Throughout the season we are going to be releasing edits&shorts that have skiing but are lost or forgotten footage. Khai came to me with this edit and it sparked some interest in me for sure. RawReCaps are going to involve footage that is worthy of re looking at, even in its rawest form. We have plans to release more of these throughout the season with a variety of types and people involved. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did, because Khai slayed it! A special thanks goes out to Shayne Metos for filming this and contributing footage. You are a gentleman and a scholar!

CL - PCfeb with Sam Joan and friends

by Jwenz
Feb 2013 - 2.9K views

SO this year has been quite the interesting one for me. I have been restricted really to filming park. No street spots, and minimal BC due to minimal snow. So here is another park edit from PC. Most is broll as some shots had to be saved for a super reason. I hope you enjoy this as it is an experiment with new formats and song styles. Enjoy

CL - Jan@PC with Sam and friends

by Jwenz
Jan 2013 - 5.6K views

January was an interesting month. It consisted of a heavy holiday season followed by Sundance and OR. I worked a shit ton which didn't allow me to ski/film all that much. I had some good days up at PC with sam and the homies though. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do.

ON3P-2 Days at Hood

by Jwenz
Sep 2010 - 6.5K views

A fun little trip in late august provided the footage for this. Super stoked to ski with these guys as they kill it on the reg! Enjoy.

Ps: Yes I know the follow cams were not the best.

High North Ski Camp Session 2

by Jwenz
Jul 2007 - 8.9K views

So we only filmed one day and in the beginning I got hurt so the filming is of random people..Thank you to Tyler gaudette for doing sick work with the camera..

Sorry if you dont want yoru self in the edit...just PM me and I will remove it

CL Travels East - WebRedemption#1 (S2E9)

by Jwenz
Jan 2012 - 3.8K views

The first week back home we were able to get out and ski a few times as well as catch up with some old friends to do a nice webredemption. I hope you all enjoy the fun we tried to have with the severe lack of snow that is threatening what seems to be all the places we have been going