Latest Videos by tom.skier

Right Left Down | Monty Wright

by tom.skier
Sep 2016 - 6.3K views

Monty Wright season edit 2015/16
Armada Skis, Real Life Drama Records, Full Tilt, Marker and Von Zipper

Shot at Snowpark Laax, Switzerland and Stubai, Austria
Additional filming: Legs Of Steel
Music: Illinformed at Real.Life.Drama Records

James Webb - Finland Urban Trip

by tom.skier
May 2014 - 825 views

Back in February we travelled to Finland to shoot for this season's movie - 'Around In Circles'. However, after only a few days on the trip James took a season ending slam on a gap to down rail at a school - dislocating his knee, rupturing his ACL, spraining his MCL and LCL and also damaging his medial meniscus. Here's a recap of the first few days of the trip leading up to the injury. Get well soon Webb! Huge thanks to Animal, Lazer Helmets and Butta for their support!

Top Rated Videos by tom.skier

Right Left Down | Monty Wright

by tom.skier
Sep 2016 - 6.3K views

Monty Wright season edit 2015/16
Armada Skis, Real Life Drama Records, Full Tilt, Marker and Von Zipper

Shot at Snowpark Laax, Switzerland and Stubai, Austria
Additional filming: Legs Of Steel
Music: Illinformed at Real.Life.Drama Records

James Webb - Finland Urban Trip

by tom.skier
May 2014 - 825 views

Back in February we travelled to Finland to shoot for this season's movie - 'Around In Circles'. However, after only a few days on the trip James took a season ending slam on a gap to down rail at a school - dislocating his knee, rupturing his ACL, spraining his MCL and LCL and also damaging his medial meniscus. Here's a recap of the first few days of the trip leading up to the injury. Get well soon Webb! Huge thanks to Animal, Lazer Helmets and Butta for their support!