Latest Videos by WesleySnipes

Angels and Screaming Seamen: the Decade movie

by WesleySnipes
Dec 2009 - 5.6K views

08-09 season for the Decade Snow Team. The First Decade Movie in the history of humanity.
Please enjoy.

Featuring the riding of Eric Gambles, Jordan Noe, Benny Moissen, Tristan Sadler, Sam Hurst, Neil Schuermann, Trevor Jackson, Nicki Keefer, Jordan Miconi, Rich Frogh and Weston Charlesworth.

Directed and Edited by Weston Charlesworth

Top Rated Videos by WesleySnipes

Angels and Screaming Seamen: the Decade movie

by WesleySnipes
Dec 2009 - 5.6K views

08-09 season for the Decade Snow Team. The First Decade Movie in the history of humanity.
Please enjoy.

Featuring the riding of Eric Gambles, Jordan Noe, Benny Moissen, Tristan Sadler, Sam Hurst, Neil Schuermann, Trevor Jackson, Nicki Keefer, Jordan Miconi, Rich Frogh and Weston Charlesworth.

Directed and Edited by Weston Charlesworth

Weston Charlesworth 2 season Collage

by WesleySnipes
Aug 2009 - 5.3K views

I got a new editing program and wanted to test it out to feel artsy, not so artsy I want to cut myself lengthwise on the wrists just horizontally so I can pretend I'm know how it is. Its a collage of my season edits from the last 2 years. let me know what you think.