Latest Videos by Nate_Dawg

Tignes - Day One - Danish Freeride Championship

by Nate_Dawg
Apr 2012 - 2K views

About a week ago, Nikolaj Ritter and I (Nathan Heintz) competed in the annual Danish Big Mountain Comp in Tignes France. All week we had "I wish I was a baller" tumbling around in our heads, so it just made sense to use that as the song. Take a look at how we rocked our runs, and check out the finals edit coming soon!

Nathan Heintz's Season Edit

by Nate_Dawg
Jun 2011 - 2.1K views

Edit for 2010-2011. Music by Classified.

Everything started in the small town of Rossland British Columbia. Spent a season in Whistler, a long summer in Denmark, one more season back home and now I'm catching some midnight sun in Northern Norway.
This is the start of my world tour, keep checkin in and I'll let you know where life takes me.

Top Rated Videos by Nate_Dawg

Nathan Heintz's Season Edit

by Nate_Dawg
Jun 2011 - 2.1K views

Edit for 2010-2011. Music by Classified.

Everything started in the small town of Rossland British Columbia. Spent a season in Whistler, a long summer in Denmark, one more season back home and now I'm catching some midnight sun in Northern Norway.
This is the start of my world tour, keep checkin in and I'll let you know where life takes me.

Tignes - Day One - Danish Freeride Championship

by Nate_Dawg
Apr 2012 - 2K views

About a week ago, Nikolaj Ritter and I (Nathan Heintz) competed in the annual Danish Big Mountain Comp in Tignes France. All week we had "I wish I was a baller" tumbling around in our heads, so it just made sense to use that as the song. Take a look at how we rocked our runs, and check out the finals edit coming soon!