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Sam Hurst - Reborn

by Jwenz
May 2014 - 7.4K views

This lifestyle we all enjoy requires us to acknowledge and face the risks that come with it. Returning from injury forces a person to become stronger in body and in mind. This short film embodies the perseverance needed to make it back to where we left off and beyond. May 5th marks the 1 year anniversary since Sam suffered a "Lisfranc injury", an incident that left him without the ability to walk for over 3 months. No matter how hard we fall, getting back up is the only option. With this in mind we give you "Reborn".


by Jwenz
Apr 2013 - 1.9K views

Well over the past few years I have had some great opportunities and have met some great people. Here is a look at some of things my camera has captured as result.