Latest Videos by EmilDeschamps

Emil Deschamps 2020

by EmilDeschamps
Aug 2020 - 1.2K views

A mix of powder, comps, park, rona backyard setup and even touring clips for your visual enjoyment. Last szn was weird but still super fun! Thanks to everyone I skied with and everyone who filmed!

Tryna be Candide part 3

by EmilDeschamps
Apr 2020 - 4.5K views

Tried to build and ski another Candide Thovex style spring line this year.

Didn't have enough speed to completely clear the second river gap and keep skiing the line exactly like I wanted to, but at least I made it back across the riveršŸ„°

instagram: @emildeschamps

Top Rated Videos by EmilDeschamps

Tryna be Candide part 3

by EmilDeschamps
Apr 2020 - 4.5K views

Tried to build and ski another Candide Thovex style spring line this year.

Didn't have enough speed to completely clear the second river gap and keep skiing the line exactly like I wanted to, but at least I made it back across the riveršŸ„°

instagram: @emildeschamps