Latest Videos by Camharhar

BC 2016 - Cam HART

by Camharhar
Feb 2016 - 880 views

Went to SIlverstar for week, got dumped on everyday and finally cleared up for last day. Mostly skied POW and onlyy a little park, and heres what i came up with

Top Rated Videos by Camharhar

Gaper on the landing

by Camharhar
Dec 2013 - 3.1K views

some kid at Mt St Louis gets crushed last year in the outback park. Kid didnt have a helmet on, and was on the landing unaware of the happenings. So he paid for it, i think he was pretty hurt cause he didnt move for 5 runs and was very confused....

Cameron Hart Season Edit 2012/2013

by Camharhar
Mar 2013 - 1.4K views

Yo This is my season edit all shot on a nikon 3200 18-55mm lense....... Thanks to everybody who filmed please rate up trying to get my name out there....skiing out of onterrible so im working with what i got!! much love peace share it!!!! shot by others cut by me! WEOOOO!!!