What exactly is going to happen on the 17th of January I'm just curious? What are you guys planning to do? Are you planning to just session or what? I mean I don't wana sound like a dick but if anyone starts doin anythin off axis or inverted they will kick you out. But if theres like 30 people doing this shit that would be a lot more interesting. It would also be interesting to see someone actually invert off their tables considering how small they are. If it does go down however I will sure to make an apperance. The rails are decent though but if for some reason if you cant have it there have it at Mountain Creek in NJ. If possible that would be sweet if you could get them to make a big air hit at the top of the falls for everyone to session. aight
keep on truckin' good stuff
Proud to be a weekend warrior being 2 hours from the closest mt.!