ReturnToMonkeyI had a feeling that was slightly misleading and when they started talking about the composites, they are straight up wrong. Maybe it's just them dumbing it down, but they were talking primarily about strength and weight which are extrensic properties meaning it depends on the geometry of the construction. What really matter are stiffness and density. At one point, they mentioned how fiberglass is stronger than carbon fiber but fiberglass will yield a softer flex. Both of these are actually opposite. CF when used in skis is usually used in smaller quanitities, which is why they might appear less strong and stiff, but the intrensic properties of it (geometry does not matter) show that it has a higher stiffness and much lower density than fiberglass. If the same mass (amount) of CF was used as glass, it would be an extremely stiff ski and probably not be as fun or easy to ski. Also much more expensive. So they use less.
This makes me take what they have to say about wood cores with more than a grain of salt. Smh @folsomskis
Sup nerds... the reality is, every manufacturer has different ways of measuring these material properties and how they stack up against each other. Of course Icey claims bamboo is the GOAT of organics. ON3P will argue maple is the king. But as you've pointed out, the thickness or stack height of any core is the dominant factor in how
stiff a ski will feel. You can take Balsa - the shittiest wood in the world (sorry DPS) - and mill out a tall enough core to have it
feel stiff.
The balance to achieve here, and our philosophy, is in strength to weight ratios. And on the custom level, which are the right organic balances for the right skiers.
Monkey returner - you're spot on in saying that
in the same weave of carbon vs. fiberglass, carbon would win the stiffness battle. But a megastiff touring ski don't make no sense. So we (and most manufacturers) use different weaves of carbon and fiberglass to accomplish similar flexing skis. This allows us to easily swap composites for our customers to make a ski much lighter, but not have it flex drastically different.
Anyway, no need to shake your head, we love this shit