I am writing to you as I stare out of my freezing as shit dorm window at Kalamazoo College. I am in Michigan. I am pretty sure I am the only kid at my college who knows how to hit a rail, let alone film for some urban. Therefore I set out to set up a sick ass urban rail all by myself with barely an inch of snow on the ground. I first went to the back of some random ass building and stole as many pallets as I could fit into the trunk of my car. I then went back and set them up to form a sort of lip as not to waste snow. I filled the area around the pallets and leading up with leaves and stuffed the pallets themselves with leaves from the trees. I then realized that there was absolutely no snow nearby. Take note that this was a 6 hour process. I then went to try and harvest snow from cars around campus and the tennis courts. I ended up filling a tarp and 6 trash bags full of snow. I then started to lay my snow out and formed a lip. I left the rest out excited to hit my rail and went to take a dump. While dumping some asshole, or assholes decided to destroy all of my ramp and lip and feed in and steal all of my 5 pallets. All of this work for nothing. There are only 1458 students at my school. So I have to find out eventually who committed the worst crime I can think of at this moment. I need suggestions as to the ultimate prank/ evil trick/ bullshit thing I can use to really mess with whomever decided it would be awesome to fuck up this obviously time consuming structure.
Fuck my life