Welcome to the future of skiing at home, boys.
Many people own the infamous treadmill, and yes, they're boring as all hell, so it's time for skiers everywhere to take advantage of this object that just sits at home.
It's tread mill rail grinding.
It's quite simple, actually.
The steps?
1. Set up your rail about 1 foot away from the middle of the back of the treadmill.
2. Put your skis on and get on the treadmill, facing the rail, so backwards from where you'd usually run from.
3. Set the speed really high, like the highest it goes.
4. Get ready to jump off before the end of the tread mill and pop 90/270 onto your rail.
5. Grind the rail
6. land with some hot and sexy afterbang
7. Enjoy being part of the future
It should look a bit like this: