I actually fully support your ability to smoke weed, and im completely for legalizing it, i think you should be able to put whatever the hell you want in your body so long as it doesnt cause harm to others or make you a complete burden on society.
But I just find it sad that some people cannot be as happy sober as they are when their high. the idea of having to dumb yourself down, numb your mind in an effort to seek happiness, because your sober consciousness/state of mind is not capable of that happiness on its own, is pretty disturbing to me.
its probably why so many of the stoners i know seem so insecure and uncomfortable when their not high, because they havent developed the ability to achieve that with their fully aware, conscious self.
There is something insanely appealing to me about achieving that pure feeling of happiness, peacefulness and being fully content all in your fully aware, concious, alert, natural self. you cant achieve that with a substance that essentially suppresses your mind/dumbs it down. shit, ive probably only experienced that feeling one or two times, one time happened to be skiing when i came across this out of bounds little stash of powder, it was 2 feet of the best, lightest snow ive ever skiied on top of probably a weeks worth of dumping, on my ep pro's. lasted maybe 15 seconds but holy shit it was the most amazing, unexplainable sensation ive ever had. and id rather go my entire life only feeling that a couple times, instead of taking the easy way and faking it with a substance.
So theres my little rant..
and im not even against it when people smoke/drink every once in awhile, especially when its more of a social thing. its when people cant go a week or even a day or two without being subdued by something that really seems depressing. and when you see those people sober, and how dissatisfied and uncomfortable they are with themselves. when you get out of highschool/college and see people that have been on that constant substance use path for 5, 10, or more years, the horrible effects it has are obvious.