im gonna chime in on my own faith.
I have been thinking a lot about what i believe in lately and have come to the conclusion that faith (christianity in particular) is something that should be left to an individual, not a group of people or an entire church to tell you what to believe.
Personally, I base my faith off of my own logic and not on others, for awhile i did not believe in god but after looking into evolution i came to my own conclusion that there must have been a creator in order for everything to begin.
believe in what you want to believe in, if you are an athiest, I do enjoy a solid religious/ morals debate so PM me anytime if you wish to do so.
as for christians being against homosexuality STOP FUCKING LISTENING TO CNN ABOUT BAPTIST BASHING for christ sake its getting old and there are other more serious things to get your panties in a wad about.