haven't really been so feel free to pm me if a price is too high, with that said all prices are OBO
inb4 some dumbass Pyrex joke
2XL 11/12 ORAGE BDOG, bought at the beginning of the season from powderhuffer. Has about 30 days on it. Sleeves are brand new (not pictured) and were actually never put on, actually dont thing anything was zippered on it (open jacket 2013 ftw) did shut the main zipper in the door so the tap fell off. asking $175
xl Orage axe pants, prob hace 20 days on them $100, rock um on the hill and right into the bar like a BOSS
3xl UA tall baselayer, love this thing to death $30, Xl oakley baselayer $20
189 one lifes mounted at TC, but pretty sure they have a forward mount doe. On second mount for a 317 bsl for some rossi fks155. Skis-225 bindings 200, Both 380
used one day oakley cbars with vr28 blk ird $40
2xl oakley OTT bibs $75. Hope. pull $50, both $100
2xl OG jiberish breezy zips. $70
Triple L society zip, xl $40
M.elihu pull in xl $40
2xl oakley t's brand new $10 each, xl saga and jiberish $15 each
xl okaley button $15
XL oakley zips, all red is a 1/4, red amd gray is a full $20 each
xl neff hoodie $15
L Brooks Brothers button, Brand new $40
OG SAGA flannels, blue has a hood and is 2xl, red is hoodless for the moment (may know where I put it) and is an xl. $50 each
2xl BN pyrex shorts, prob the wrong place to out htese, pm me if interested
Lastly we have a binder full of pokemon cards, bought um when I was a camp counselor and now have no need for them. Free with purchase to whoever wants them.
Thanks for looking, Ill be adding more shit as i clean out my closet and what not