Okay so either you are the world's greatest troll, or simply a fucking idiot. Like how can you take my approach of asking you simple questions which you cannot answer, and instead ask your own questions to "answer" my questions. Then take my exact stance of how you can't answer my question, ergo you lose... It's like are you seriously that unoriginal? Or are you that desperate to troll?
But i'll give you a quick bullet point list of why I like Obama. I would write more but I don't want to elicit the response "tl;dr. You mad?" from you. Also, it seems your reading comprehension is at a 3rd grader's proficiency level, so I think bullet points will make things easier for you.
*He has put into place bank regulations and safeguards to help prevent the banking crisis from happening again. Aka no more shitty loans.
*Obamacare now allows me to stay on my parents health insurance until I am 26. This alone is reason enough for me to vote for him again. The costs of health insurance are just not feasible for me at this point in time, and knowing that I will be covered under my parents until I am 26 is comforting.
*Obamacare also changes how pre-existing conditions are treated by insurance companies. Now if you get sick with some horrible chronic illness while you are uninsured you have a better chance of not having to be broke the rest of your life while fighting off your illness.
*Lastly, and the most important for me, are differences in the two candidates political philosophies. Like I don't understand why in general republicans are unwilling to compromise on virtually every political issue you can imagine. I just don't understand how in a country where there will always be conflicting ideologies how you guys can vote for someone who in general doesn't give a shit what the other side wants, and their methodology is my way or the highway. Clinton's speech at the democratic convention really highlighted this, so if you want a better explanation go watch that.
So yes there are somethings that I agree with Romney on, somethings I disagree with Obama on. No candidate is perfect, but without question of the two candidates I like Obama more. Not saying he is perfect by any means, just better than Romney.
Oh yea I am done wasting my time responding to you, so yea cheers brah.