A lot of cool new friends in many states
A lot of jammin with new people. Thanks to whoever snapped this pic when barber jumped into our jam sesh.
A lot of this to get from a to b. At least from illinois to missouri to arkansas to tennessee to pennsylvania, and then some other places later on
Really have less than 10 pictures from all summer, none of them mine. Probably only 5 pictures I can think of. Probably many more out there that I'll never see.
My summer was sick not because of the pictures I have but what I did and the people I met, the music I saw, the adventures we survived. I don't have shit for pictures for a scrap book or anything but I had a hell of a time with some great people all across the country and that's enough for me. No picture would be able to capture that.
Probably the best summer I've ever had, can't wait to top it next year. Also summer isn't over yet. Hittin the midwest this weekend, a few more fests coming up, and then it can be over and time for fall tours.
Don't care if nobody reads any of that. Fuck summer was fun.