so true. he made a great point in saying that that little line is where it all happens. either you say fuck it and destroy yourself, or fuck it and make something great happen. sometimes you just need to remove that inhibition and go for things. 99 times out of 100 you might fail, but that one time where something amazing comes as a result makes it all worth the while.
im slowly learning to not get hung up on the negatives of saying fuck it, and instead look at the positive. you can say fuck it and get rejected, and dwell on it thinking "im never saying fuck it again, that sucked", or you can do it for those moments where saying fuck it really set you apart from the pack and lead you in a direction you never thought you'd go in and leaves you feeling so alive and so happy.
i think the big lesson is just put yourself out there. some people will leave it, others will take it. sometimes it'll put you in a bad place, but what's the alternative, just be safe and boring all the time? fuck no, gotta go out and chase that high with the risk that things might end up low instead of just being in the middle all the time.