174 K2 revivals selling for friend, 350 obo with atomic ffg 12s, when he sells these, hes buying my skis so the faster you buy the better chance ill throw in extra shwag! Skis are only once mounted at center for a 27.5 spk.
Bases-9/10 no real damage at all, just ridden on groomers and small jumps.
Edges-10/10 no damage still completely sharp to
Sidewalls-8/10 common knocking effect but the k2 sidewall technology is like jelly so it absorbs knocks as well as vibration
Topsheet-9/10, a few chips, nothing more than 3/4 in long
Bindings-9/10, few scratches, brakes and bindings have been ridden like 6 times total.
Hate= -k