OK hold on... in my mind this just falls under the category of "Taking shit way, way, way too seriously."
This is fun. She's making a light, entertaining, ski-related rap video for YouTube. Take it as such, and stop hating!
Seriously, I sometimes wonder if people on here just want girls to stop skiing alltogether. What is the point of being so hateful? I say if we have a girl who is interested in the sport, doing fun stuff, and likes to ski... why not give them a bit of latitude? At least respect for christ's sake.
So go take your negative hate somewhere else. I think this is some comedic gold, and I'm anxiously awaiting some more rap responses, and a fully produced version of the music video.
Keep at it Katie, don't let the haters get you down!
Same for the rest of you girls on here. Don't let 'em phase you. You're awesome.