LMP: nothing(they are blowing snow for new and expanded jumps and are pushing snow for the halfpipe.)
Dropline: Same(flat bar to barrle tap or pop on down box to 15 ft step down jump/hip to c-rail)
Favorite Feature: c rail
Spring Board: Flat mailbox or skullcandy tube (with one jump in the middle, it used to be two one to the right to get on and one to the left to get on.) Then there is the up to flat canon rail(sort of sketchy) or flat to transfer to the right down tubes(you can hit this from the side as down too) Then, a 15-20 ft step down or an up box( that is a slight gap on) Then a bigger step down around 25 ft or a flat box. Then a 25-35 ft jump or a long up-curve-down-curve-up-curve-down-curve-up curve-down rail curve aka the dragon/serpent rail. Then a hip transfer/jump(sketchy as jump about 45 ft with minimal speed) to a long dog house box(that needs to be waxed and worked on)
Favorite Feature: flat mailbox or the transfer flat down rail
Top Secret Park 1:Same without the flat box. (Pop on urban down rail(needs to be higher and is very low now) to a pop on urban down flat down rail(needs a better jump but is pretty fun) then lastly a steep up rail(not waxed enough and is very sticky)
Favorite Feature: down flat down rail)
Top Secret Park 2: same(down flat tube or up box(shitty and sketchy(no speed)) or down flat down bar rail.) All serviced by quarter pipe drop in that provides minimal speed. Favorite Feature: down flat tube
Air Bag: I saw people working on it. It is up on little sister lift and looks pretty sick. It has a steep jump to a huge orange airbag. It is fenced off with orange loon fencing so you can't hit it. Should be up soon get stoked!!!!