I hate every single person who writes letters to the editor in my city. Every single one is an uneducated, redneck conservative who backs Bush only with similies and metaphors and no real facts. Example:
Teach a man to fish, and he'll vote for Bush
Subject: Conservatism vs. Liberalism
Recently a wise transformed Democratic liberal, who converted to a smart reformed conservative, identified the difference between the two. His analogy was this. A liberal Democrat will give you a small half-rotten fish to eat, keeping you from starving and then dependent on the liberal Democratic agenda forever.
A conservative will give you a fishing pole, teach you how to fish, so you can catch what you want, when you want, how many you want. If you catch more than you need, you are allowed to sell the extra fish and maybe buy a boat to improve you catch in life even more.
If you want a half dead fish now and then just to stay alive and dependednt, then vote for the number one liberal in America, John Kerry!
If you want to succeed in life and improve your own personal situation, then learn how to fish, become less dependent and more self-sufficient which in turn will make America stronger for you and your children for centuries to come (just to cut in, what the fuck is this guy talking about now?), that conservative is George W. Bush must be re-elected for the good of all Americans, even for those self-proclaimed sensible Americans who rely on handouts rather than contributing to our great nation and society in general.
Thomas D. G******
Pittsfield, Aug. 10, 2004
Ok now, lets evaluate this rambling piece of shit.
1) Fishing is the subject of this letter, so is politics. No good comparisons are even made.
2) Nothing is backed with facts. Its completely opinionated and ignorant.
3) Since when do democrats give you a 'half rotten fish'. Last time i checked, we're for the good of everyong
4) Conservatives give you a fishing pole. It sounds like he is talking about conservatives giving the 'fishing poles' to big business, so they can buy 'bigger boats' and sell all of the 'extra fish'.
5) The writer says John Kerry is America's number 1 liberal. WOW. I'm a bigger liberal than Kerry is.
6) The last paragraph is nothing really. Its just a big long sentence about 1 opinion with plenty of fancy adjectives. He also trys to use the guilt thing on you (ie: '...make America stronger for and your children for centuries to come...')
7) This guys knows nothing. He quoted a person who also seems to know nothing. He called this comparison an analogy. Analogies are something like 'red : blue :: 1 : 2'.
8) He says re-electing Bush will make America stronger. Even conservatives know, but not admit it, that Bush is weakening our country. We are in a huge debt now, we are fighting THE single most pointless war ever, to say you're American is now embarrassing and our president making more gramatical errors than a feces... i mean fetus.
9) He keeps speaking for everyone, saying things like '...even for those self proclaimed sensible Americans (obviously, he isn't talking about himself here)...'
Overall, this letter sucked. I was in awe of his stupidity the first time i read this. Even the title is ridiculous. 'Teach a man how to fish, and he'll vote for Bush'. How about 'Don't read this, i'm drunk as hell'.
Nothing was useful at all. If this letter accomplished anything, it was opening people's eyes to how dumb some other people really are.
Good Fun With A Hand Gun.
MiKeE: If Shaun White is hot I hope I'm ugly.
hoodratz47: sweet your now black....