Replying to NS i need you to help me make a decision
I dont know if I should pre-order the new cod or i should get 2 ski movies???
If i got the ski movies i would definitely get the new stept movie (not only cuz i love their movies but they also have early shipping and a low price) and then its a toss up between after dark, grand bizzare and prime cut
heres the catch though i go to boarding school and chances are other people will prob also get these movies and i could get a digital copy of them and you cant do that with a game. but i do like supporting the ski companies and i also wouldn't get the bonus pre-order stuff
any suggestions?
PS generally i like the level 1 movies> than pbp's (even though pbp's movie looks so sick) also with a lot of stept people being in pbp's movie it may be redundant to get both but idk
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