Ok so you got LJ Strenio, basically guaranteed in for both ways dubs and since he went last year
Sean Jordan should be in for high mutes and just pure heavy style
Thomas Dolplads is just straight fire with double grabs and his right handed dub with the silky smooth technical style
Dale Talkington straight murdering with the best style in the game just filthy heavy head
Tim McChesney has the craziest rodeos and I count him about equal with Dale, and he was not in last year so I think he needs to be in this year
Gus Kenworthy I refuse to see his Kos video cuz I dont want to spoil the Way I see it, but I heard its bad style with some fucking crazy ass shit
Mccrae Williams also doing the both ways dubs, good style and god damn sw dub 12 and sw dub 10 true tail
Will Berman fucking sick style on rails and on jumps
Klause Finne stomps the shit out of everything like hes got knees of steel
Clayton Vila with just pure out imaculate steeze
Simon Ericsson for having the best steeze in the comp even if he didnt have a dub
Ben Moxham just for being really fucking technical and good
Kristopher Edwall for having the crazy dub undie 10
How the fuck do you pick a top 4???