If people think Ron Paul has a chance in fucking hell at getting in the white house you better wake the fuck up and smell the dog shit.
dennis kucinich has an equal if not better chance at getting in the white house.
our country in its present form is far from libertarian. You see greece right now? imagine U.S. but like that in every city with anyone who works for the state, local, or fed govt. Since ron paul's first job on the clock would be to fire them all essentially and privatize everything.
whoever said mitt romney is the most viable candidate. DING DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER.
I don't support romney, and i won't vote for him.
Being realistic though.
Romney looks presidential in the sense that he is the GOP's Kennedy. Women can fawn over his looks.
It's sad that when we consider potential GOP candidates the first thing we think is "is he presidential looking?", nothing against mccain's age or anything, we all get old, but for fucks sake he looks decrepit, and you hear stories of way younger people doing way crazier senile shit.
Considering the state of the nation, some of romneys progressive ideas (health care for mass. doesn't look so terrible anymore when the entire nation just passed a trillion dollar health care bill). He is moderate enough to get the centrist votes needed to get Obama out of office.
But if you ask me Obama's already pretty much got his second term locked in. If it wasn't for this week in the stock market, and we traded sideways / slightly to the upside for 3 more years Obama would be a given.
But in a nutshell, everyone thinks or will be thinking Obama fixed everything. Tons of stocks are back at pre-crash levels. He is appeasing everyone here. Wind farms, off shore oil, guns in national parks, health care reform, and soon to be immigration reform possibly.
Jobs have been on the up and up and it isn't all just census workers, the market is back to record highs. we had 8k tax credit for buying houses, cash for clunkers, poor people get more money back from the govt and pay less taxes.
Who hasn't had their ass wiped by Obama yet? Because he sure as fuck isn't being coy about hand outs. He can't give them out fast enough. Although a lot of his hand outs are designed to look like incentives in the form of tax credits.
Sarah Palin, not even worth more than a few sentences. She is a polarizing figure, divides the party right down the middle. Females would rather fawn over Romney then laugh at Palin while she embarrasses the whole GOP.
Michael Steele, WTF IS HE DOING?
John Boner from Ohio is probably the most guilty out of anyone in the republican party. This fuck has done nothing but obstruct. And for those republicans who say obstruct, look at the job of OBSTRUCTING hes done. He hasn't obstructed SHIT for you guys, and you guys aren't getting anything in return for it. He isn't even going to the table to try and work out a bipartisan effort. His effort can be summed up by the phrase "scrap the bill".
Which is obstructionist and hurts the republican party more than a democratic party looking socialist will ever hurt the democratic party.
Instead of obstructing mr boner should have been trying to narrow the size, cost, scope, scale or whatever the fuck you want to call it of all of this legislature that has been passed.
history will judge the neo-con republican party harshly.