You see, the thing about the internet is that you can be a self-righteous e-douche bag, while all the time bear no correlation to how you act in reality. Kids are making asses of themselves likening spending money on clothes with sexual orientation, so I'll fuel that fire. It's good for a bit or entertainment in an otherwise draining day at school.
But yes, I have wealthy parents. They are also some of the most logical, down to earth people I have ever encountered (ie: you work for what you get). I bust my ass to excel in school, and I work full time when I'm not in class (which as of last summer does not exist. I do school year-round). But I'm fine with it, because I really enjoy what I do, and I'll have an awesome career after I grad.
Bragging? Not really. I work my ass of and spend a bit of the money I make on something that will last me for years. Maybe I just enjoy playing the over-opinionated card on NS once in a while.