A man is suing a motocross track for $10,000 because he got hurt riding there. A young rider accidentally crossed into another part of the track, and a man, Shane Simon, ran into him. Shane ended up breaking him femur.
The track owner is not a rich man. He just loves the sport and operates the public track on his land. He almost had to close the track, and I am still not sure if he will.
Now, Shane Simon is banned from all motocross tracks within a 500 mile radius of where he lives, possibly even farther as more people hear of this.
I think ski resorts should take a little note from this. Many have been sued for people hurting themselves in terrain parks. I think mountains banning these people from ever riding again is a great idea. Who is to say they aren't going to go do it again somewhere else? If people are not going to take responsibility for themselves, they shouldnt be allowed the privaledge to enjoy these facilities. They need consequences for their childish actions.
Here is the paperwork for the motocross case