You could not have interpreted my post anymore incorrectly than you did.
A capitalist is not successful because he sells his goods at high prices, it is because he accumulates more and more capital. I don't think you understand how capitalism really works. Capitalism is not about prices and quantity. That's a very small portion of it. Capitalism is simply the acquisition of more and more capital goods.
I am not trying to claim we would all be slaves, I am STATING that we would all be slaves. You have no inherent freedom in pure capitalism because of the many examples I have given. Pure capitalism leads to a division of classes and separates those classes violently and vehemently. I don't understand how you don't see this? Any lassiez-faire theory ultimately leads to an inequality of accrued capital to the point where one class (capitalists) owns all the means of production. Without regulation to break down monopolies and such you wouldn't see the economic choices we have here in America.
Imperialism is a direct result of capitalism. I'm sorry, but you're wrong it is. They may be "compliments" but it is still a direct result and with it creates global imbalances such as wealth gaps between nations, exploitation of resources, importing of resources, global allocation of resources, etc. These things are all a direct result of an economic system (our capitalist one) starved of resources and having to import more by spreading our monetary influence. It's capitalism pure and simple. Yes it creates jobs, but it also halters any sort of growth when we take agriculture into respect, but that's a whole other argument.
Really, so no other economic system would have brought us the automobile? Huh. I won't deny capitalism definitely breeds technological advancement but a system of unfettered capitalism certainly would have collapsed before the automobile was brought to us as it almost did during the Great Depression when we got close to a pure capitalist system.
Again stop misinterpreting my post as to think I am saying get rid of all corporations. I never said that, I don't believe that, I want you to understand how you make falsified claims and realize what you are actually talking about (pure unregulated capitalism) as being utter nonsense.
If you want to hear the major problem on a countrywide scale of why it is wrong read the writings of sraffa and the re-switching effect that comes along with an unexplainable force of capital. It completely contradicts anything worthy of a market self-adjusting philosophy